Your New Social Calendar
Events of note:
What: Road Trip to Carolina-lina
Time: Dunno. Not too early.
Date: Friday, March 11th. Possibly Thursday the 10th too [Atlanta sidetrip]. Return date/time yet to be determined. Just checking interest at this point.
Location: Various interstates in the SE United States
Huh?: I will be taking a carload up to Carrboro, North Carolina ["suburb" of Chapel Hill] to see the band Ash. Alexandria and Andrew will be coming down from Blacksburg, VA and a good time will be had by all. Tickets are only $9, but also remember gas, food, and lodging will be involved. Massive road trip, but it should be fun as hell.
What: The First Annual "Nine-Ninety-Nine Opening Day" Competition
Time: 730PM for preparation. First pitch is at 805PM on ESPN.
Location: To Be Determined. But somewhere with a good TV and a grill.
Date: Sunday, April 3rd

Huh?: The 999 is something that I've read about and been dying to try. The general premise is that you sit back and watch a baseball game. During each of the game's nine innings, you must consume one beer and one hotdog [including the bun]. So that's nine beers, nine dogs, nine innings. 999. The game of choice is of course the greatest possible matchup for such a momentous occasion: an opening day matchup of the evil, shitty New York Yankees and my beloved WORLD CHAMPION BOSTON RED SOX. Trash talking, krunkatude, and other hilarity and hijinx will ensue. It should be a bitchin' night. CAN YOU HANDLE IT??!? Wear stuff to support your team, even if that means [shudder] pinstripes.
In other news, congrats to GT basketball for pulling back even in the conference at 7-7, surging back to beat [sc]UM tonight. Now just get it together and make some noise in the ACC tournament and make the selection committee's job real easy, okay guys?
And I beat a game. Beat this one, moved on to this one. I'm on a Zelda fix, I guess.