Sunday, February 13, 2005

An Amazing Group of Friends

So in talking with Alexandria and Andrew tonight, two of my best friends, they brought up a point that I've been absolutely astonished of for quite a while: that my group of friends, all of us from middle-class families and raised in the public school system of Leon County Florida - my group of friends is one of the most amazing group of people ever. In my tight group of friends we've got engineers and scientists, lawyers, teachers and college professors [to be], doctors [to be] and physician assistants, Ivy Leaguers, artists and musicians, politicians, and astute finance and businessmen and women. All from middle class backgrounds, all smart and driven to such great heights.

How did I end up part of this? How did so many amazing people get turned out of a little town in Northern Florida, and how did this happen with so many people all around the same age? I want to thank my teachers and any other educators out there who have devoted their lives to making the lives of their students more prosperous down the road. I know without my phenomenal science and math teachers that I never would have gone to engineering school or picked my current career path, and I owe them not only for the knowledge I gained, but for the drive and inspiration to always want to know more. I want to thank them for helping me realize that I had a mind that was capable of great things, and also thank them for constantly pushing me until I had fully reached my potential.

My friends are the future leaders of communities. As a group of kids with similar upbringings and a world of opportunity staring us in the face we accepted life's challenges and only now, in our early and mid-twenties, are we starting to see where life has put us. We've worked hard for years, and things are starting to pan out. The world's going to be in our hands one day, and I can't wait for that day. I've figured out my role and can't wait to play the part. The only bad part about growing up is having friends move away.

I love my friends. What an amazing group of people.


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