Explaining my Fandom or, "Why do you root for them?"
I've been asked enough times why I pull for certain teams in certain sports that I felt a need to put some words down to try and explain why my fandom is all over the board. The first thing you need to know is that I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, a place devoid of professional sports. The closest team to us in my childhood was either the Atlanta Braves or the Orlando Magic, only to be replaced by the Jacksonville Jaguars in the early 90s. So growing up in such a place and not say, Chicago or New York, I wasn't immediately drawn to follow the local team. The only 'local team' we had was Florida State, which I was an avid fan of for my first 18 years.
So here's the breakdown, by sport. I'll try to list my favorite team as well as any teams I might also pull for sometimes:

Why: Simple enough - I went there from 1999-2003 and am a proud alum.
How I'd describe being a GT fan: A constant roller-coaster of excitement and disappointment - teams show quite a bit of promise but almost always finish middle-of-the-line in the ACC in both football and basketball. Sure, we're good for one outrageous win a year, but that's always coupled with 2-3 absolutely terrible freaking losses (Duke in football, FSU basketball, etc) every single season.
Best moment(s): 2004 NCAA Basketball tournament runners-up. It was an incredible, nerve-wracking run to the finals that all started with a shocking Preseason NIT blowout of then #1 Connecticut. Too bad UConn got their revenge.
2nd Favorite: Florida State Seminoles
Why: I grew up in the shadow of the university and was thus a die-hard fan until matriculating at GT. Oh, and I also got a bachelor's degree from the school in 2007, so I'm also a proud alum there too.
How I'd describe being an FSU fan: Spoiled until recently. If FSU loses 2 games in football, it's a wash of a season. Thankfully, they've usually been mediocre in basketball, so whenever they're not people have a reason to get excited - but to be honest, I never feel a need to root for FSU basketball, only football, baseball, and women's soccer.
Best moment(s): Winning the Orange Bowl in 1993 for the school's 1st national title and being a traveling tutor for the 2007 FSU Women's soccer team.

Why: I liked Vinny Testaverde growing up, but I didn't consider myself an avid Bucs fan until the team dramatically retooled in the early 90s and started drafting FSU/UF/Miami superstars like Derrick Brooks, Warren Sapp, etc. Growing up in Florida you were pretty much either a Bucs fan or a Dolphins fan, and for some reason Tallahassee is Bucs territory.
How I'd describe being a Bucs fan: Pretty good, honestly. The 2003 Super Bowl was freaking incredible, and while I was really sad to see Tony Dungy go (I can't stand Jon Gruden) I loved what he did with the staggering defenses. I miss those teams.
Best moment: The one-sided ass-beating that was the Super Bowl over the over-hyped Raiders back in 2003.
2nd Favorite: New York Jets
Why: Again, blame Vinny. I loved the early 2000s teams with Keyshawn, etc. I wouldn't exactly call myself a true Jets fan, I just pull for them in passing.
How I'd describe being a Jets fan: They're such a distant 2nd in my book, I don't really know. I guess "infuriating" would be appropriate for a true Jets fan.
Best moment: Curtis Martin's career. I loved that guy.

Why: I never could get into the Atlanta Braves (the nearest team growing up) even though I was a huge baseball fan. Watching a young Rocket (before he was a dirty cheater) was great, but I didn't really become a hardcore Chowder Head until 1997 or 1998, late in high school. I got really damned tired of the Yankees and their obnoxious fans, and somehow I just decided that it was time to really get behind the Sox. I got my first (annual) Red Sox hat, and it was history from there.
How I'd describe being a Red Sox fan: Before 2004 it was that same terrible lament that the Sox were known for - the perennial runners-up, the suffering fan. Since then they've been arguably the best team in baseball and while it's incredible to see my team play so well and be so successful, the bandwagon fans have gotten just as bad as the bandwagon Yankee fans were in the 90s.
Best moment(s): Dave Roberts' stolen base in Game 5 of the 2004 ALCS and a July 2001 Red Sox v. Atlanta Braves game at Turner Field. The stolen base led the way to the epic turnaround and eventual drought-ending World Series win and helped validate years of fandom. The game in mention was just a regular season interleague game, but things turned amazing. The Braves were up 2 in the 7th or 8th when rain hit and caused a delay. Most Braves fans went home, leaving a decidedly pro-Red Sox crowd in the stands when the game resumed. A cheer of "LET'S GO RED SOX" could clearly be heard in the stadium and the Sox rallied, forced extras, and put up 10 runs in the top of the 10th to crush the hometown Braves.
2nd Favorite: Tampa Bay Rays
Why: While it may seem like a big no-no to like another team in the same division, I moved to the Tampa Bay area in 2007 and something clicked. I listened to their games on the AM Sports Radio station here, and liked what I heard and saw out of the team. Oh, and any team willing to give the Yankees as much hell as the Sox do are okay in my book.
What it's like to be a Rays fan: Rare. There's not too many out there, even here in Tampa Bay.
Best moment: The 2008 spring training brawl with the Yankees. It set the tone for what's been an incredible season so far.

Why: Going to college in Atlanta, I'd go to Thrashers games pretty frequently with my friends. I didn't really identify a whole lot with any NHL team (I was a very 'mild' San Jose Sharks fan, see below) but the more I kept going to games, the more I found myself loving the team.
What it's like to be a Thrashers fan: Annoying and lonely. The team has had years with a lot of great promise, and then just completely suck it up the next year. The management just seems to let good players go, to make mediocre trades (can we get a freaking goalie?!), and sits there and lets Ilya's great years go wasting away.
Best moment: Winning the Southeast division last year.
2nd Favorite: San Jose Sharks
Why: I randomly got a Sharks hat back when the team entered the league and since I didn't have any interest in the NHL previously, I started rooting for them. Of course I grew up in the land of football and baseball, so I really didn't follow the Sharks too closely. But I still have some sort of fondness for them.
What it's like to be a Sharks fan: Lately it's been good, they've put together some really solid teams.
Best moment: Knocking #1 Detroit out of the playoffs as a #8 seed.

NBA: Boston Celtics
Why: Larry Bird. I loved something about his lanky, precision shooting ways. I always admired other teams of the age - Magic's Lakers, Jordan's Bulls, Isiah's Pistons - but when it came down to it I'd always find myself pulling for the Celts. I grew a distaste for pro basketball in the post-Jordan era (never was big on the Kobe/Shaq years) but found myself intensely following the 2008 Celtics team from the get-go. It may seem like fairweather-ism, but there's nothing wrong in my book with a good team reigniting an old interest.
What it's like to be a Celtics fan: As of about 3 hours ago, incredible. Getting Garnett just seemed like the beginning of something great, and here's to hoping we rack up some more Larry O'Brien trophies.
Best moment: Either the 2008 team's steamrolling of the Lakers in game 6 (way to show up, Kobe) or the 1992 Dream Team. While yes, I know that wasn't a 'Celtics' moment, it was hands-down my favorite pro basketball moment.
2nd Favorite: Phoenix Suns
Why: Blame Charles Barkley. I love that guy. When he went to Phoenix I started pulling for them, loving the Thunder Dan and KJ years. The recent fun-and-gun years have been really enjoyable to watch, even though I still can't understand the whole Shaq trade.
What it's like to be a Suns fan: Frustrating. The team has talent, but can't get over the hump.
Best moment: The Barkley trade. I mean, how can you not love Chuck?
So there you have it. I don't really follow too many other pro sports leagues (MLS, Euro soccer, etc) though I do say I'll pull for Tony Stewart in NASCAR, and for the following teams (in order) in international soccer play: USA, England, and the Netherlands.
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