Sunday, June 19, 2005

Kill the Scene Kids

A couple weeks back I went to see Iron and Wine play at the Beta Bar. The show was great, but it reinforced to me that the indie music crowd is NOT my crowd. These are people who wear vintage/thrift store clothing, all have either piercings or tatoos, think personal hygiene is optional, and would gladly debate the evils of capitalism over a $5 cup of coffee. I'm not a scene-kid, that's for sure. While I don't fit the punk crowd either, at least I feel slightly more at home there. They might look the same as the indie kids, but they don't have that "I'm better than you" attitude. The punk community is a lot more closely united. See, punk has an underlying ideal. The only ideal that the indie kids can claim (if any) is "screw the mainstream." They're not fighting authority or social norms for any reason other than that they see such things as uncool, things that only mindless idiots would do. They look down on authority not because of any perceived injustice, but because it's just not a hip thing. I may love the music, but I really can't stand the indie crowd. If I hear one more faked, bullshit conversation from two people trying to have a social-awareness "penis measuring" contest, I'm gonna headbutt somebody. That's punk.


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