Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Concert Season

Okay, I love two things about summer: concerts and road trips. Here's what I'm thinking of tentatively of what my Summer 2005 concert schedule's gonna be. Anybody and everybody's welcome to join me at any of these things, I'll always take company on a road trip or at a show.

2nd (Thu): The Faint [sadly with Bright Eyes], Orlando, Hard Rock Live
8th (Wed): Iron and Wine, Tallahassee, Beta Bar
17th (Fri): Architecture in Helsinki, Carrboro NC, Cat's Cradle [I wish they came closer to FL]
23rd (Thu): The Aquabats, Tallahassee, Big Daddy's
27th (Mon): My Chemical Romance, Orlando, Hard Rock (this one's iffy)

19th (Tue): Weezer, Orlando, Hard Rock Live [for MTV]

7th (Sun): Vans Warped Tour '05, Orlando, Tinker Field
23rd (Tue): Green Day, Atlanta, Phillips Arena

If I somehow DO manage to get to all of these tours, then I'll have hit almost all my favorite bands from 1994 [Green Day, The Offspring, Weezer]. It could be a great summer, we'll see. And if you've never gone on a roadtrip with me, you're missing out. Roadtrips are a blast. The schedule above is very tentative [nothing's final till I buy tickets, right?] so if you've got any additions/suggestions, then fire away. Guys and girls are all welcome in my car for any road trip, so long as you're not an obnoxious ass and you're willing to chip in for gas money.


At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh! Come visit again! I'll have to go investigate the NC band and see if I want to go with you ;)


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