At last!
The MCAT is done! Now to wait 60 days for the results. (Grumble)
Only 36 hours until my Biochemistry exam! Damnit!
Where retarsion runs rampant.
The MCAT is done! Now to wait 60 days for the results. (Grumble)
So earlier today I went and finally saw "V for Vendetta", and I really liked it. I didn't come into it expecting much, but I really enjoyed it. I remember from European History the story of the Gunpowder Plot, and it always captivated me. I mean, an assassination attempt involving blowing up a major building? It's just so over-the-top that it was ingenious. Nobody expects that, you know. But back to the movie - while I'd heard some criticisms about the fact that the pertinent facts are beat into your head over and over (and this is true, but not to a huge extent - about as much as any other movie) as a whole I thought the story was well written, well acted, and overall a very good movie. Easily the best of the limited lot I've seen in 2006, but May's trifecta of X-Men 3, MI3, and The DaVinci Code all look promising.
Another school week has come to a close, but more importantly, another week of potential MCAT studying is gone. April 22nd, two weeks from yesterday, and I'm feeling very prepared. My scores are at a good point, and I'm just hoping that I can squeeze another point or two from each of the disciplines. My Bio/Physiology scores have finally caught up to my Chem/Physics scores, which is quite suprising. Guess that studying's paid off. Makes me wish I would've done more, sooner - but I'm not going to complain. The social life has taken an obvious hit, but that's a necessary evil. "You've got the GPA, but where is the dirty love?" [Oh Nerf Herder, you're so right]
So when reading Lifehacker the other day, I came across a snippet that had released a new version of their download client, conspicuously called AllTunes. If you're not familiar with AllOfMP3, think iTunes, but instead of paying $0.99 per song, you pay $0.02 per megabyte, so that averages to about $0.10 per song. Oh, and there's no DRM restrictions, the files are just pure ol' MP3 goodness. Here's me buying an old Misfits album: