Sunday, April 09, 2006

You'll Never Even Make a Sound

Another school week has come to a close, but more importantly, another week of potential MCAT studying is gone. April 22nd, two weeks from yesterday, and I'm feeling very prepared. My scores are at a good point, and I'm just hoping that I can squeeze another point or two from each of the disciplines. My Bio/Physiology scores have finally caught up to my Chem/Physics scores, which is quite suprising. Guess that studying's paid off. Makes me wish I would've done more, sooner - but I'm not going to complain. The social life has taken an obvious hit, but that's a necessary evil. "You've got the GPA, but where is the dirty love?" [Oh Nerf Herder, you're so right]

I tried Atlanta's new gimmick, Coca Cola Blak [note the absence of a c] which is a coffee flavored Coke beverage. So how does it taste? Like Coke and coffee, at the same time. Two very distinct flavors. Not terrible, but probably not something I'd drink on a regular basis either - mainly for the fact that I'm not really a coffee drinker.

After digging through the old hack-a-day archives, I stumbled across this article about hacking together a virtual machine using VMWare's free player. So I decided I'd have some fun with that and installed FreeDOS and some old DOS games. No, I know it serves absolutely no purpose, but I don't care.

I've gotten OS 10.4.5 running on my laptop, with everything but wireless working. Whenever I can get the whole thing working, it'll be awful tempting to just boot into Mac-mode every time. Let me tell you, running OSX on my laptop is so damned much faster than my ancient G3, but I'm in no hurry to ditch the old tower - it serves its purpose as a good IM/browser/server box. Though I probably do need to bump it up to 1Gb of RAM one of these days.

I picked up Animal Crossing: Wild World for my DS, a game I'd been meaning to play in its Gamecube form for a couple years now. It's not a game with a defined purpose, or even a guide as to what you should do. I love the open ended nature of it, but I don't like how your townies will harp on you if you're gone for a few days. I have a feeling that I'll just have to wash my hands of my current character and start a new one once I have some free time after the MCAT.

After a good deal of studying on Friday I went digging through my DVDs for something to watch, and ended up watching the 4-hour marathon that was Stephen King's 1994 movie "The Stand", a classic good vs. evil end of the world movie. I remember watching the first 2 hours when it came on TV back in the day, but never saw the ending. I have to say I enjoyed the flick, though Molly Ringwald's looked better.

Red Sox are looking good this year - Schilling's a solid 2-0, and Papelbon looked good the other night closing. Team's got real promise. The defensive moves made in the offseason were great, I just hope the offense doesn't struggle. Varitek, keep those boys focused on another trophy.

The more I read about the Revolution, the more psyched I am. Nintendo site 4 Color Rebellion has become a daily gaming read of mine (along with Penny Arcade, Joystiq, and Slashdot Games) and one article the other day caught my eye. "Red Steel" is a new game by Ubisoft for the Revo, and it looks absolutely ridiculous. I mean, just look at the scans. I can't wait to see what developers end up doing with the new controller scheme. Cool stuff.

I watched that new show Teachers on NBC the other night. Seems too contrived, too desperate for laughs. They better not pre-empt The Office for that garbage again.


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