Now Children, Remember Your Breathing
Okay, now that the fall TV season is in full swing, here's a night-by-night guide of what I'm watching, or as I like to put it, "what's good on TV."
800pm: The Simpsons [Fox]
900pm: Rome [HBO] OR
Family Guy [Fox]
930pm: American Dad [Fox]
1000pm: Grey's Anatomy [ABC] OR
Curb Your Enthusiasm [HBO]
(If no decent game on Monday Night Football, then):
800pm: Arrested Development [Fox]
830pm: 30 Minutes of MNF, no matter how bad the game [ABC]
900pm: Prison Break [Fox]
800pm: Gilmore Girls [WB]
900pm: House [Fox] OR
My Name Is Earl [NBC]
930pm: The Office [NBC]
1000pm: Nip/Tuck [FX]
900pm: Lost [ABC]
1000pm: Invasion [ABC] OR
South Park [Comedy Central]
800pm: Everybody Hates Chris [UPN] OR
Survivor: Guatemala [CBS]
1000pm: NUMB3RS [CBS]
The toughest time slot to pick from is that 9pm Tuesday night slot. House is one of my favorite shows on TV, but after watching the pilot of My Name is Earl, I'm hooked. I love anything with Jason Lee in it (he's absolutely hilarious) and the show seems very well written. Sunday's the toughest night to pick from overall. If you've got HBO the choice is tough, if not, stick with the Fox lineup [and download Rome].
I'm still pissed that they cancelled Carnivale. I loved that show.
I'm going to see The Decemberists on Tuesday, and I'm really looking forward to it. They're one of the bands I've been wanting to see for a while, so it should be fun.
Burnout: Revenge is ridiculous, but I've been mainly playing Burnout: Legends. On-the-go portable Burnout is the best idea EVER.
Speaking of games, I traded in a lot of old games (including most of my PSP games) and am now the proud owner of a blue Nintendo DS. I really wanted Nintendogs, but every store in town was sold out - so I opted for Kirby: Canvas Curse. This game's quite a bit of fun, but I think I would've still liked Nintendogs better. All I wanted was a little Yorkshire Terrier and a German Shepard pup. And of course, I'd name them Mickey and Max respectively.
My room is clean right now for seemingly the first time in MONTHS. Lord knows how long that'll stay that way. The over/under is hereby set at eleven minutes. Smart money's on the under.
Work is absolutely terrible at the moment, but on an up-note school is going exceptionally well. After the first exam in Organic Chemistry, I've got just over 100% in the class - about 40-45 points higher than the class average. So needless to say, I'm feeling pretty damned good about that one. In Biology II, we've had two quizzes and I've done well on each, but I have my first test in there on Wednesday along with my first foreign language test (Spanish I) since I took the AP Latin Lit exam back in May 1999. I'd be willing to bet the Spanish I exam will be cake, though I'm terribly afraid I'll get paired up with one of the MANY dumb undergrads who can't speak a lick of Spanish as my partner for the oral exams. That might be a good thing though - I'd be running circles around them, making myself look better. Does that translate to a better grade? We'll see.
To tell the truth, I'm not excited by this Amazing Race. I'm on record calling it the best reality show on TV (outside of sports) but this season's whole spin of having families of 4 compete instead of the typical two just turns me off. I don't want to have to watch some whining kids compete in neutered competitions. I still do want to be on that show at some point in time, because I think I could do very well and I'd love to travel that much.
Room's dirty again. What was that? Three minutes?
If you haven't checked my photo blog, I put up some pictures from the FSU vs. Miami game I went to. That page hasn't been updated much this year, as I haven't really had any good reasons to take pictures - or when I do, I notoriously leave my camera at home. I'll try to be better about that in the months to come.
If you haven't tried I honestly don't understand why. Once you've rated some songs you like (either through the website or by using Audioscrobbler plugins) you get a personalized, free streaming radio station that absolutely kicks ass. I've listened to my personalized stations for hours and hours in the last week or so. What a great product.
Just to make sure you read it here first, I'm picking Virginia Tech to beat Southern California to win the Rose Bowl in January. VT looked untouchable in their absolute destruction of my poor Yellow Jackets today in Blacksburg.
I'm missing my friends that moved away more and more as time marches on. At least I keep in contact with some of them, and that helps. That's the hard part about growing up and growing apart - you want all your friends to grow up and be successful and happy. Problem is, most of the time their dreams and future plans don't coincide (or even overlap) with yours, so you part ways. The times we live in now provide many cheap ways of communication, but absence still does make the heart grow fonder. If only I had some infinite travel budget or just a hook-up in the airline industry. But I don't, so I have to just wait till my paltry student budget can afford for such a trip or until a holiday when they might return home. That's the best part about still living in Tallahassee - at least I know that most of my friends still have a reason to come back here, and most of them will eventually. That being said, I still need out. Atlanta's going to be where I settle in the long run, I'd bet, but where I go between now and then is still very much up in the air. Gainesville? Durham? Who knows?
Cheerwine needs to be sold in Florida again. I got some in North Georgia a couple weeks ago, and damn I miss that stuff. For those who have never had it, imagine Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke mixed together, but better. Great stuff.
Oh, I watched Friday Night Lights and Mr. 3000 last night, both of which were good flicks that I'd recommend to anybody who has access to them. Good time-wasting movies. Hold off for some time and you'll see both of them on TBS in due time.