Wirf die Gläser an die Wand!
Okay, so I've been spending a whole lot of time on Digg these days. Want to see the stories that I've dugg? Simply click here, and see what's interested me.
One story caught my eye and I loved it, it was a 10 step guide to cracking WEP (wifi encryption) shown completely using tools in the linux livecd distribution WHAX (White Hat Knoppix). But the video linked to off the Digg story had a terrible, but great, side effect. The background music is infuriatingly catchy. I mean the kind of catchy tune that just penetrates your mind and for the life of you, you just can't shake it.
The song is circa 1980 disco tune called "Moskau" by the German band Dschinghis Kahn, and it's a song (in German) about the joys of drinking in Russia. Yeah, what the hell indeed. I can't describe it, so honestly, just go watch the music video of the song. Click here. I'll wait here.
I can't get that song out of my mind. AAAGH!
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