Saturday, August 28, 2004

In The Club, In The Olympics

First off, I have to comment on something. Most club songs, when heard outside of the club, are just terrible. "Lean Back" by Terror Squad comes to mind immediately - but when the bass is loud enough to shake your entire body, and you're half drunk, it's amazing how bad songs somehow become not just tolerable, but enjoyable.

So the U.S. men's basketball team, dubbed the "I Wanna Scream" Team, got the bronze. Now, I'm glad we came away with something, but the bronze? What is that shit? Didn't we invent the goddamned game? It's horseshit, and I hope that the USA Basketball Federation needs to get their shit together and get some good players to show up in Bejing in 2008. None of this 3rd place crap.

But as for the rest of the U.S. Olympic team, I've got to commend them on their dominating performance. Phelps and the other U.S. swimmers were incredible in the pool, and Gatlin and Wariner's performances on the track [100m and 400m respectively] were just awe inspiring to watch. Way to go, America. Way to go. Now, if we can only break that 100 medal mark...


At 12:29 PM, Blogger cataphoresis said...

True, I forgot all about that. Though if you look at the "Greek" team, it was made up of 100% American citizens with Greek "ancestry". Peter Angelos, the owner of the Baltimore Orioles [and obviously, a Greek himself] paid for the team's uniforms, practice facilities [Camden Yards], and even the flight to get the team from Baltimore to Athens for the games. That team was goddamned awful [a bunch of scrubs, honestly] but know what? THEY STILL DID BETTER THAN THE GODDAMNED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN OUR GODDAMNED NATIONAL PASSTIME.

I want American-style football in the Olympics. Picture Ray Lewis sacking a 5'2" Japanese quarterback.

It'd be murder, I tell you.


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