Monday, July 19, 2004

Laziness, Work, and Sandler?

It's admittedly been a while since my last post, but I've been *gasp* working full time, and just lazy to boot. But some things of note that I should bring up:

Trip to Pensacola was great this past weekend. Went to a concert at some bowling alley, and while most of the bands sucked, the last two, Cruiserweight and Second Saturday were both very good. SS especially - I can't wait to hear more of their stuff. Great harmonies.

After "orienting" on day shift (7a-3p) at work for the past week, tonight (Monday) marks my return to the graveshift (11p-7a). I'm a night owl, so the shift better fits me [if you don't believe I'm a night owl, check the timestamps of most of my posts on Blogger] - though the 11p-7a shift does tend to hurt the social life. All that means is that I won't be participating in things like Thursday Night Drinking - which is fine by me, as TND's dead in my mind. I enjoy traditions, and to see TND die the quick and brutal death it's died in the past month is just sad. Nobody cares about it, or wants to have it. Same thing is happening to some extent with the Sunday Frisbee Games. Oh well, if they're not happening, then I sure won't miss a thing being in the ER all night. I've got the one job where I never want to see friends come and visit me.

I need to get a damned cell phone again, not having one is just getting annoying. Coupled with the fact that I can't depend on a good number of my friends lately to keep their word and show up to things, the lack of communication is driving me batty.

NBC Home Video and Lion's Gate recently released 8 or 9 "Best of" sets for different SNL alums - I picked up the Chris Farley and Eddie Murphy ones last night. Murphy's is the best by far, and if you haven't seen it, well - you're doing yourself a disservice.

Speaking of disservice, Fahrenheit 9/11 was a complete piece of shit. Boring as far as documentaries go, the amount of sheer sensationalism that Moore piled in there was just too much to take at times. I downloaded it (thanks for the permission, Mike) and my family watched it - and not a single one of us (we're a half republican, half democrat family) thought it was worth anything. On the other hand, 50 First Dates was enjoyable. Adam Sandler 1, Michael Moore 0. It's odd, but I can think of at least 5 Sandler movies that I've really enjoyed: Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, 50 First Dates, Punchdrunk Love, and Mr. Deeds. Odd, eh?


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TND will live again. Just wait.



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