Friday, August 27, 2004

Intro to OMFJ's Sports Blog

[EDIT: 12/27/2004: This originally appeared at my other blog, entitled "OMFJ's Sports Blog". I've since closed up shop over there, but a lot of the sports-related posts on this blog from August-December 2004 appeared over there first before being moved over. I just didn't have the desire to keep up with multiple blogs at once.]

Instead of littering my other blog with my sports prediction posts and talk of my fantasy leagues, I'm gonna throw them all here. So feel free to drop in from time to time, check my progress, and tell me how big of a tool I am. But while you're at it, here's a few free Fantasy leagues to join on Yahoo!

Yahoo! College Football Pick'Em
What it is: You try to predict the winner of college football games. The catch is that you have to award each game a "confidence" rating, and if you get the prediction correct, you get a number of points equal to the rating you gave the game. Each rating can only be used once (so if you have 10 games, only one team can be your "10" rating, and only one your "9", etc.) It's a lot of fun, it's free, and the trash talk is healthy.
Where to sign up:
League ID#: 6654
League password: andscrewuf

Yahoo! Pro Football Pick'Em
What it is: You try to predict the winner of NFL games, based on the published point spread for the week. You predict whether a team will beat or cover a spread for a particular week, with each correct prediction earning you points.
Where to sign up:
League ID#: 6505
League password: primetime

Yahoo! Survival Football
What it is: At the start of the season, you have a full pool of NFL teams. Each week, you can select one team from that pool that you think will win their game that particular week. If you're correct, you move on to the next week and the team you used is removed from the pool of teams to choose from. You win the league when you're the last team standing, or the season ends (not likely). It's a lot harder than it sounds.
Where to sign up:
League ID#: 18847
League password: gobucs


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