NCAA College Baseball Tournament Predictions (v1)
So I'm going to talk about something that most people find incredibly boring - college baseball. Why? Because I love baseball, and love my Yellow Jackets. I used to work in a lab that was mere feet from Russ Chandler Stadium at GT, so I'd frequently head over to the stadium to watch my boys after I finished working on a Friday. It was a nice way to start the weekend - watch some top-ranked Yellow Jacket baseball, game would end around 7p or so, then go out for the night afterwards. Oh, and living next door to four GT baseball players and becoming friends with two of them - Phillies' prospect Victor Menocal and current Rangers' 1B Mark Teixeira. Great guys, and a lot of fun to hang with...but I digress. Today, the NCAA Baseball Tournament's field of 64 was announced, and I'm gonna see how much I do/don't know by predicting the winners. Somebody prepare that crow sandwich, because I'm sure I'll get a couple really big bites of it by the time this thing is over.
[EDIT: Replaced lots of text with jpeg of bracket]
Here's my bracket:

[Click to enlarge]

Predicted seeding:
1. Texas
2. South Carolina
3. Miami
4. Georgia Tech
5. Stanford
6. Arizona State
7. Louisiana State
8. Wichita State
Predicted final standings:
1. South Carolina
2. Georgia Tech
3. Stanford
4. Texas
5. Arizona State
6. Miami
7. Louisiana State
8. Wichita State
...we'll know how wrong I was on June 28th. I'll revise after the Regionals are done.
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