Sunday, May 16, 2004

Troy, D-I-D-D-Y, Dropkicks, QD, and A Daring Heist

First thing's first, my thoughts on Troy. Since I am very familiar with The Illiad I think that it's only fair that I look at the movie in two different ways. First, judging it on whether it was an entertaining movie [regardless of storyline] and two, judging it based on that storyline as a ex-Classics nerd. Was the movie entertaining? For the most part, I'd say yes. Was it a classic? Hell no. Troy was an attempt to create an epic that people would love and remember for years, but all it felt like to me was that somebody saw Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, and Braveheart and decided "well shit, let's throw them all in a pan, and loosely base the story on the Trojan War." Pitt was a good Achilles, Bloom a good Paris, and Bana a good Hector, but the entire movie just left me lacking substance. As a ex-classics nerd, this movie gets an "F-". Whatever schmuck decided to write the screenplay from The Illiad left out a lot of important [in my opinion] parts of the story. I was willing to overlook a lot of them coming in to the movie, because I know that's what Hollywood does to these famous stories. I was just hoping that the story would keep its dignity in the way Peter Jackson and company kept Tolkien's books pretty true to form. I hoped it, but I didn't get it. A 10-year war suddenly became at most, 17 days long. 17 days is the goddamned Olympics, not an epic war. And the real kicker for me was Aeneas near the end, but I won't put spoilers in here. I'll just say that I was dissappointed with how his character was involved in the story, and if this same crew decides to make either an Aeneid or Odyssey movie, they'll suck.

Did anybody else catch the series finale of "Making the Band II"? I tell you, watching that show, the respect I have for Sean Combs has just grown and grown. The man's a brilliant businessman, and a funny bastard to boot. I was amazed that he dealt with those six spoiled, whiny little ego-trips of rappers for two years before giving four of them the boot. Funny thing is, the four who got shitcanned didn't seem to realize that by being canned, they were going to lose MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Just goes to show how dumb they were afterall.

It's apparent to me that the album Sing Loud, Sing Proud! by the Dropkick Murphys is the best drinking music ever. Only, it would be if sang in a big group. But since nobody around here is into them [they all pick shitty emo over punk] it's just gonna have to stay as my favorite alone.

Hey look, it's the new Nokia N-Gage QD! Hey look, it's still a piece of shit! Whoever came up with the vertical screen concept should be shot. Ever tried to play one of these? Lord knows I tried [keyword being "tried"] to at an Electronics Boutique. Shitty interface, shitty games, shitty product. Now if I got one for free or dirt cheap, I'd take it.

And reading about some tools stealing the Metal Gear Solid 3 one-level demo from the E3 floor was sad. Though this picture was great.


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