Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Twitter, Twilight, and Thumbdrives

After hearing Leo Laporte rave about it on This Week in Tech, one of many podcasts I listen to, I headed over to twitter and opened myself an account. I think Leo described it best - twitter is like the away message functionality in many instant messenger clients, but without the messaging. Why would you want to use that? Well, my primary use for IM for the past few years has been as a textual answering machine, allowing others to see my status while accepting messages from others if need be (though email's better for that). My twitter page shows updates, so you can bookmark it if you're interested. I think it's a neat service, and if you join up, send me a link and I can add you to my friends list. You can update your twitter status via IM (AOL, Google, others), SMS message from your cell phone, or from the web interface at their website.

I'm almost finished with Twilight Princess on the Wii and I have to say that it might be my favorite one to date. Ocarina of Time gives it a run for its money, but I just love the control scheme in place in TP. I really wish that the OoT that's available on the Wii's Virtual Console service could adapt the same Wiimote based controller scheme, but I'll settle with using my Wavebird.

I recently went through and re-tweaked the software I'm carrying on my thumbdrives (I keep a 1gb in my school bag and a 256mb with my lecture info in my work bag). Portable Firefox is a necessity (along with a select few extensions), but also portable gaim and a couple others. In fact, since I'd been having stability issues with Gaim (and miranda) for Windows I actually switched from using the normal full-install version and am using the version of Portable Gaim (from Portable Apps) as my main IM client on my machine. Why not just use the official AIM client? For one I don't like the ads, but I also use Google Talk, yahoo, and MSN for various friends. To tell the truth, the only IM client that I really like is Adium for OS X, but since I'm currently latched to XP, Gaim will have to do.

I've got no plans for Spring Break next week, so if anybody has any good ideas for places I should either go or things I should do then send me an email or an IM.


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