A Quick Guide for Falling Off the Face of the Planet
Yes, I know that I haven't updated this thing in forever, but there's a good reason for that. For the last couple months I've been knee deep in school as well as working two jobs - a combination which leaves me about half an hour of free time per day. I've also been away from home quite a bit. This coming weekend will be my first one at home in almost a month, as the last few have been spent in D.C., Boston, Raleigh/Durham, and Orlando. Why so much travel? Well, I somehow got named the travelling tutor for the FSU Women's soccer team, so I've accompanied them on their past two road trips - but due to a slight snafu I'm not heading with them this weekend (something that the girls apparently were NOT happy about).
School's been going well. Biochemistry 2 eats up about 95% of my brain power, but the combination of Organic Chem Lab and Freshman Composition (I'll explain) seem to eat up most of my time. Admittedly, I spend very little time on Genetics.
So why am I taking a Freshman Composition class as a 45th year senior? Well, some medical schools require 6 hours of English at the college level and don't accept AP credit. I only took 3 hours at GT (because AP got me out of 3) so I am 3 hours short. Which is why I'm in the class now. Sure seems easy.
Ah, medical school you say - how goes it? Well, it's hit a bit of a stall point. I've had all of my secondaries turned in for about a month, but was waiting on my last letter of recommendation to arrive. That letter still hasn't gotten to FSU (as of today) so as soon as it gets to FSU I'll be able to send them off to every school, and then it will be wait-for-interview-date times. Good times, no?
The MCAT teaching job has been going well, and I'm fully certified to teach both general chemistry and physics. Preparing two lectures a week has been an interesting change of pace, as I haven't had to do that in a while. So I tutor at FSU in the mornings, then go through my day of class, and teach MCAT classes at night. This of course makes for some very long days - I leave for FSU around 8am and don't usually get home until well after 10pm. Needless to say, "blog updating" is very low on my priority list.
Hope everybody out there is doing well, and expect the updates to be far more numerous once I get some free time.
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