Maddox gets it right again, Some Movie Reviews
Apparently Maddox has the same opinion of U2 as I do.
Man, I hate those guys. At least Creed had the good sense to break up. Please follow suit, U2!
And since I haven't reviewed any movies in a while, here's a few:
Paycheck: Now I know this movie bombed in theaters, but I actually liked it. It ended up in my Christmas pile (I didn't ask for it, but got it) so I watched it again the other day. Not bad. The much maligned Ben Affleck isn't bad, and Uma Thurman was pretty good in a supporting role. Good time-killer type of movie.
Napoleon Dynamite (DVD): So I'm sure I've reviewed this before, but this movie still is freaking sweet. And having it on DVD now just makes me feel good inside. When am I gonna watch it? "God. Whenever I want."
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Extended Edition: Now this DVD blew me away. Packing in over 4 hours and 10 minutes of action, this is the best of the Extended Editions to date. The extra scenes not in the theatrical release make this film a lot better than the version I'd previously seen. Well worth every penny I paid for it - and now my fourth DVD trilogy set is complete (Matrix, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones).
Ocean's Twelve: slower paced than the first one, but still very, very good. The ending has huge twists, as to be expected after seeing Ocean's Eleven, but everything is pulled off perfectly. Good movie, good movie.
Collateral: I meant to catch the movie in theaters, but missed it. So I rented the DVD and all I can say is that it's an okay movie. I wasn't blown away by anything in it at all. The acting was superb - Tom Cruise was a good heartless killer and Jamie Foxx sure can act (who would've thought back in the "In Living Color" days that Mr. Foxx had such talent?) - but the story was rather bland and predictable. Is Michael Mann just making the same movie over and over again? Heat was much better.
South Park's "Woodland Critter Christmas": While not a movie, this was possibly the funniest episode of South Park that I've ever seen. The twists are incredible, and I nearly died laughing a few times during the episode. I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it. The episode is still on my TiVo. That's how good it is. Best SP episode ever. "It's Critter Christmas dude. It sucks ass."

The Simpsons Season 5 DVD Set: what a haul this set is. The best episodes to date, killer commentaries (god bless Conan O'Brien), and tons of material. Well worth every penny (as is Season 4).
Deadwood Season 1: So I finally got around to finishing the first season of Deadwood and I have to admit that the show is good. Really good. While crude as hell, the story lines are developing well and the characters are great.
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