TechTV gets the "Foot-in-the-ass" treatment
It's sad to see that the Tech TV staff is getting shitcanned by Comcast, but when you get bought out, that stuff happens. Back at GT, I loved watching TechTV's random filler shows when nothing else was on.
Speaking of filler content, is there anybody better at it than ESPN? They have assembled some of the greatest programming ever to not have a consistent time spot:
1. Street Hoops: The And1 Mixtape Tour
2. World's Strongest Man Competitions
3. Lumberjack Games / Great Outdoor Games
Those three shows are all amazing. Nothing fills the dead sports days like watching those hulking giants tow an airplane or a semi-truck across a field, or seeing Hot Sauce and Tha Professor (a 5'10" white kid) ball it up, or the odd fascination of watching men cut wood as fast as they can.
In other sports news, I applaud MLB for not selling out like little bitches and letting Spider-Man 2 ads appear on the bases, as originally planned. Just proves that if enough people bitch about something, shit gets done.
Ashley Holland told me to listen to the band HIM, a Finnish goth-rock band. So I download a few tracks, and it's an okay listen, but I honestly got tired of it fairly quickly. I'm not a big fan of the goth rock, but AFI's last album blew me away so I figured I'd give the genre a second chance. I think that AFI might just be an anomaly.
I got bored today and rated all my Bad Religion songs in iTunes, and here are the results. Each song was scored from 1 to 5 with 1 being "ass-in-a-bucket" and 5 being "fucking incredible", then the average score was tabulated and scaled. Here they go:
1. No Control [89.3%], 2. The Process of Belief [86.7%], 3. Stranger Than Fiction [84.7%], 4. The Empire Strikes First [84.3%], 5. Against The Grain [83.5%], 6. No Substance [82.5%], 7. Generator [81.8%], 8t. The Gray Race [81.3%], 8t. Suffer [81.3%], 10. The New America [80.0%], 11. Recipe For Hate [74.3%], 12. 1980-85 [36.7%]
Pretty much as expected, though STF and Suffer had suprising rankings. #1 was never really a question though.
Go Pedro, way to dog the Indians, and Boston Rob is a douche for getting rid of Big Tom.
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